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Team Flappy Bird’s Tri 2 Timebox

Team’s ReadME

Flappy Bird Website Theme

Purpose: Create educational arcade games to teach high school students about useful STEM topics

Website Main Features

Bootstrap used for website’s frontend. Depiction of layout.html:


Database in progress (Adi’s extension)

Async operation using API’s in About Us pages. Depiction of Rini’s home page, that has a song API:


Week Wiki Pages FRQ Work
7 No PBL, catchup Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha
6 Adi and Prisha Vocab, Chenxin and Rini Vocab None, catchup
5 PBL Layout Progress Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha
4 PBL Game Progress Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha
3 Design Runtime Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha
2 About Us Pages Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha
1 Wireframes Rini, Adi, Chenxin, Prisha